Tona B. Dahlquist Casting

The Righteous Gemstones Season 4, Charleston SC.

We are going back in time


Seeking Males that can portray Soldiers.


Actual Civil War Re enactors needed as well


Males should NOT have sharp short modern hair cuts.
If interested in being considered do NOT cut your hair until filming. Shaggy hair preferred..


Seeking males with various stages of facial hair from clean cut, scruff, mustache only, short beard to long beard.
We do NOT want everyone with beards

Due to a uniform being assigned to a person, we are looking for those with flexible schedules that can give us multiple filming dates. Information regarding dates to come soon.


SUBMISSIONS should be sent to with heading SOLDIER AVAIL.


PLEASE Include:
Your 2 Current Photos (1 close up and 1 full length)
These photos MUST reflect your current hair length and facial hair status.


Name, Phone, Age, City/State you reside
Height, Weight, Complete Clothing Sizes, Shoe Size.


Description of visible tattoos and piercings.


Stay Tuned…we are just getting started.