Casting Call

Extras Casting Director Juli Emmons is looking for Football player Types with own cleats, Ages 6 – 22ish in Charlotte, NC

To be considered, please follow her instructions below:

FEATURE FILM in Charlotte NC –

* Several Football players with own gear, Ages 16 – 22ish, must be at least 16. All ethnicities, all genders.

To be considered for any of these roles, please email your name, contact info, and a current photo to:, with the heading “Football Player”

Age 6 to 22. you don’t have to be actual football players but it helps. You need to look like you could play football. And you will need to own a pair of cleats or have access to a pair of cleats if possible.

Pay rate: $100/10 and up. That means you’ll be paid at least $100.00 for the day you work and that will cover up to 10 hours of work (so basically $10.00/hour for up to 10 hours a day. If they keep you longer than 10 hours, you’ll make more). Please ONLY submit if you can commit to working at least 10 hours. Sometimes filming runs 12 hours or more and you’ll need to stay until the director wraps your scene. Some days will be overnight filming.

Once you email Juli, she will let you know the dates of your particular scene. Please only accept the job if you can commit your full day (or night depending on the scene) to this production.

This will be a fun one!

Dates 11/13-12/15?