Tona B. Dahlquist Casting

AMAZON SCI -FI Series, Marshall, NC

STILL Needing for:


Sat.9/25 & Sun. 9/26 (BOTH DATES)
3 People with 2010 -2021 Vehicles.
In need of Green, Black, Tan/Gold or blue
Sedan, Jeep, SUV type vehicle.
Must be available BOTH Dates


Sun 9/26 ONLY
3 People with 208-2021 Vehicles.
Seeking Black, Green, Tan/Beige, Dark Grey -Jeep, Truck, Sedan, SUV type vehicles.
Must be 100% available SUNDAY only.


Submissions should be sent to with heading 9/25 & 9/26 VEHICLE REQUEST


Please include 2 Current Cellphone photos ( a close up and Full length) as well as photo of vehicle, Name, Phone, Age, City/State you reside, Height/Weight, Clothing Sizes, Color/Make/Model/Year Vehicle, Description of visible tattoos and piercings.
